Wednesday, September 9, 2015

30 Day Yoga Challenge: Day ?-Day 26!

I've always been "that person" who is a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to academic-type stuff. The annoying one in school that would say before a test, "Oh, I'm gonna fail!" and then get something like an A+ (anything that started with a B was an abject disappointment). Unfortunately, this sheer perfectionism hasn't totally translated to things like housework; I should probably work on that...

The point is that I was really excited about the 30 Day Yoga Challenge. My thought was that surely I would do yoga every day for 30 days in a row, no problem. All of the videos are under 21 minutes, so I'll easily have time for that, right? 

Haha ha. Haha. Ha. 


Everything was actually going swimmingly until last week. I got ridiculously sick (like, wake up in the middle of the night to nurse J and think, "Things are not right here," and then in the morning, curl up on the guest bed and beg J to sleep just 5 more minutes while shaking and in horrible pain). Happily, my doctor had an opening that morning so I was able to head in and get some powerful antibiotics (thanks modern medicine! You've been saving my butt quite a bit lately!). 

But I didn't do yoga that day.

And then I missed another day later that weekend. We went to play disc golf and all the walking just kind of wore me out.

Sunday evening, I was nursing J and had a moment of deja vou; my breathing pattern felt a lot like, well, yoga. 

It hit me that something I've been saying for the longest time is actually true. Yoga isn't just the asanas, the stretching, the burn. The most important part is the breath. 

So take heart if you've slipped up and haven't found time to hit your mat! Take 30 seconds to close your eyes if that wouldn't be hazardous and take slow, even, deep breaths. Boom! You just did yoga.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

30 Day Yoga Challenge Week 2

Sorry to get this one out a little late! I'm still on track with the yoga challenge and am officially half-way through it! 

Stuff I learned this week:
  • Repetition of last week's lesson; be patient! Babies will decide that they are unhappy doing tummy time or back time or whatever, and they are hungry and want to be held NOW. I remind myself there's no shame in hitting pause on the video so I can hold my son. Yoga will always be there, but my baby is only this little once. I need to appreciate it, even when it seems inconvenient.
  • Forward folds are a lot more fun when you don't have a gigantic belly in your way!
  • Oh, the joys of twists. Again, without a belly, it's a lot easier.
  • Yoga and running just work well together. I've started running a little bit this week with the jogging stroller. I took a long hiatus from running shortly after finding out I was pregnant. The extra relaxin in my system loosened my hips up and caused quite a bit of hip and low back pain. Yoga and lifting weights was much easier than running during pregnancy. Now that my hormones are stabilized, my tendons are stabilizing too! I have no endurance for running right now, but I'm out there doing what I can.
  • Eating matters. I'm currently in the middle of a 5 day clean eating challenge as well. It's teaching me to check my portions, which got a bit large in the last trimester, and go for the whole grains whenever possible. I tended to lean on white bread and pasta during the postpartum period. The menu also calls for lots of veggies, which is great. I embarrassingly got out of the habit of eating a lot of produce (especially vegetables) after my husband got home, and especially postpartum. I can tell that I'm a bit in withdrawal from all the white bread that I usually fill up on, but I know good nutrition is ultimately going to help me get stronger faster. 
I'd like to be able to talk about how awesome I feel and how I'm really hitting my stride and finding a routine, but I honestly can't. Every day feels like I'm just trying to figure out how to fit in the chores that I need to get done and the things that remind me that I'm more than J's mom. Hmmm....maybe next week??

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

30 Day Yoga Challenge: Week 1

It's my first week back to practicing yoga consistently after having son J via C-section. What have I learned so far?

  • My abdominal muscles are still weak and fairly separated, so I'm having to be extra careful doing a lot of the asanas. I don't like seeing my guts apparently dumping out through the  stretched out connective tissue, so I'm sticking to gentler versions of everything, like planking on my knees instead of on my toes, rolling to my side and pushing myself up instead of just sitting straight up, etc. (Another reason it's a good idea to practice with a close eye on your form and on any "problem" areas.) Also, it's very important to engage my core at all times, even when I'm not doing yoga. That means if I'm picking up and carrying J, doing laundry, sitting on the couch typing, etc. Brian Aganad wrote something really smart about what that engagement feels like and how to do it, so I'll just refer you to this:
  • Babies make everything much more difficult. Having a supportive partner around to hold the baby for 15 minutes is probably one of the best things ever. My husband walked J around the house on Saturday while I practiced. 
  • Flexibility! I can't always practice when I used to, depending on when J naps. Sometimes, he's happy to play with his hands for a few minutes, but then quickly decides that he's pissed and needs food, a diaper change, and some interaction right NOW. 
  • You gotta know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em. Yesterday was just an all-around bad day. I couldn't practice in the morning and spent all afternoon in the car. J was unhappy and hot and I was stressed out. I finally got J down for bed and was ready to practice, but J was just unhappy and wouldn't sleep. I paused my 15 minute video twice in the first 6 minutes. The second time I went in, J calmed down once I picked him up......and then it happened. Remember my point about a supportive helpful partner? Well, it was really nice to be able to call my husband to help me out after J vomited a copious amount of curdled milk all over himself, me, and a surprisingly large puddle on the floor. After I got a shower, my husband got J and the floor cleaned up, and I got J re-fed and back down to sleep, I just didn't feel like practicing any more. My husband and I had beer, watched one of our favorite programs, and I finished the video (and did the next one in the series) today. 
  • And finally, even tough moments can make interesting memories. After everything was cleaned up last night, I asked him why he just stood there and laughed for a while before helping. He told me, "This was one of those moments I just want to remember way down the road. My wife and my baby, just dripping with vomit, with a big puddle under the chair." I guess it's all about perspective!
What do you do when life tries to derail your goals, fitness or otherwise? How are you doing on the 30 Day Yoga Challenge? If you want to jump in, check out DoYouYoga's Youtube Channel for all the videos.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

30 Day Yoga Challenge: Day 1, Day 2

Day 1

I got up when my son woke up and decided to get on my mat right away. Before my son J was born, I enjoyed doing yoga first thing in the morning. Unfortunately, what I didn't plan on was the fact that J likes lots of attention in the morning. I ambitiously thought that he'd enjoy some tummy time on a towel next to my mat. That worked for maybe one minute. After that, he fussed quite a bit. I ended up getting through the video doing a combination of pausing to snuggle him, and doing some of the poses (pigeon, seated twist, butterfly) while holding him in my arms. I put him down when he seemed asleep, and as soon as he began to fuss again, I picked him back up.

My hips are extremely tight and I have very little core strength left, but it felt so good to finally breathe and stretch (even if it was broken up and a bit unfocused).

Lessons learned: wait until the baby is down for his nap, even if that means you don't get to work out at your "usual" time.

Day 2

Well, I *tried* to learn from yesterday's lesson, but sometimes I just need to get something done and J won't nap on cue. Luckily, he was pretty happy hanging out next to me. I did some full planks in today's practice which I haven't done in months. I checked myself for abdominal splitting (diastasis recti) and while there is a small separation, it's nothing to worry about. Today's practice focused on the chest and shoulders. Since I've only walked for exercise over the past 6 weeks, my shoulders were definitely burning!

With J being a bit calmer, it gave me a chance to actually breathe. This week I've been taking on a few shifts at my job (I work from home). It's really challenging right now to schedule myself to work for a certain period of time and keep J happy for the time I'm on the clock. I'm not sure how it's all going to play out, but a few deep breaths are really helpful when my brain is spinning in circles with worry.

Monday, August 10, 2015

(Re)Beginning Yoga

The last several weeks I've been focused on a whole lot of "other" stuff, namely preparing for my son's birth, having him, and then beginning a brand new phase of my life: motherhood. It's been a wild ride so far, starting with his delivery. I had a very long labor that ended up in an emergency c-section (if you get a choice in the matter, I'd advise either being in unmedicated labor for a long time OR having a c-section, but definitely not both).

Due to having my internal organs held in with superglue for the first few weeks after delivery, I decided that it would be a good idea to not push myself physically until I hit 6 weeks postpartum. (My midwife recommended it too, which made me feel a lot less guilty and lazy!). In the meantime, I've been taking our son for walks in his stroller and in the Ergo baby carrier. (I waited until I knew my incision was completely closed before I started wearing him.)

My 6 weeks is up on Wednesday, and I'm easing back into yoga with something fun: Do You Yoga's 30 Day Yoga Challenge on Youtube. I participated last October, and it's a great "intro to yoga." What's more, it is fantastic for promoting a beginner's mindset. To me, that means being open to new experiences and enthusiastic about the "try," not so much about the result.

Promoting this attitude towards yoga will hopefully bleed over into other areas of my life, like (big surprise) parenting! Instead of constantly worrying about my lack of perfection, maybe I should just focus on how adorable my son's chubby cheeks are. I want to celebrate his baby smiles and relish the moments when he tries to talk to me, instead of panicking about whether I'm stimulating his brain too much or not enough.

I'll write a minimum of one update per week, and hopefully I'll throw in some pictures too. Get ready for some gorgeous, well-composed shots that show off my messy house and poochy belly!

Do you want to go back to basics, in yoga or elsewhere? Anybody up to join me for 30 days of yoga?

Monday, June 8, 2015

Calming yoga poses for pregnancy-induced crazy

I'm not sure if I'm always this emotionally unbalanced, or if I'm particularly unhinged because I'm less than 2 weeks from my due date. It's amazing how quickly I can go from sobbing over something relatively inconsequential to laughing my head off at something I found on YouTube (dogs in booties who can't walk! Hysterical!).

When I feel like my emotions are on a roller coaster, I try to use yoga and some slow, deep breathing to calm me down. Here's a few of my favorite poses that help me reach for a little (temporary) calm.

  • Child's Pose: Nothing like it for helping me to just shut out distractions. I like doing this on the bed more than on my yoga mat, because my belly button is so sensitive and my big ol' stomach tends to rub on the floor anymore when I enter this pose. The bed feels a little more comfortable to me at this point.
  • Legs Up the Wall: The less-motivated version of Shoulder Stand. It cools me down, which I really enjoy since I tend to run hot lately. Also, when I get emotional, I overheat. Again, I do this on the bed, either against our headboard, or with my legs just up in the air for several deep breaths. 
  • Easy Pose: The more-motivated version of just sitting down. It encourages me to just think about my breath (if I'm thinking about anything at all), and it gently works my core; super-important as I get closer to delivering this baby! It's a great way to start a practice too.
  • Corpse Pose: This is a nice way to finish a practice. I lie on my side, more in a fetal position than anything else.
If all else fails, a good cry and a piece of chocolate also works! It's so important to find poses that are easy to get into, comfortable to hold for several breaths, and don't wear me out. There's definitely a time and place for feeling the burn, but that's not when I'm trying to calm down.

Do you have any favorite poses to pause an emotional train wreck?

Thursday, May 28, 2015

How to clean a stinky yoga mat

One of the biggest issues with living alone for several months is the complacency. It's easy for me to get way too casual and comfortable with myself, with all my weirdnesses, quirks, and habits. Plus, as anybody who has left their home for a long period of time and then returned has noticed, your habitat has a smell that you're comfortable with and end up not noticing once you've lived there for a while. (Travelling usually somewhat resets my nose and gives me a chance to smell what newcomers smell when they visit!)

When my husband returned after a long absence, his nose had been seriously reset. One day recently, he was in our bedroom changing clothes. He stopped dead in his tracks.

"What is that smell? It smells like FEET." He began sniffing his way around the bedroom and didn't stop until he'd tracked down the source of the stinky-foot odor. Horror of horrors, it was my yoga mat, rolled up and stored in the corner by my bed.

To be fair, I occasionally clean it with rubbing alcohol, but the smell had totally permeated into the rubber/plastic/I'm really not sure what kind of synthetic stuff they make it out of. He unrolled it and gaped at the dark spots at the head and foot of the mat.

"Dude. That is not ok."

If you read a lot of yoga blogs or natural house-cleaning blogs (and I hope you do!), there are about 40 million recipes for mat cleaning sprays. They all involve mixing a lot of stuff into spray bottles, including expensive and sometimes hard to find essential oils. I'm here to tell you that you don't need to do that. In fact, you can clean your yoga mat for as cheaply as free (or whatever water costs you in your area). This is how my husband got my mat to an almost-new condition.

1. Spray off the yoga mat with water. My husband took my mat out to our backyard and sprayed it off with the jet setting on our hose. If you don't have a hose with a good nozzle, I'd suggest putting it in your shower and spraying it off.

2. Let it dry in the sunshine. This is (in my opinion) the most important step, and if you can only do one thing to clean your mat, I'd pick this! Sunlight is a great disinfectant, and can help bleach out dark spots. Lay it out in your backyard, drape it over the rail of your balcony, or take it to a park and let it hang out on the grass while you read a book for an hour.

Voila! Your mat won't be a biohazard anymore! I'm planning on doing this much more regularly, before it gets so bad that we smell feet.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The belly and me

As you might have guessed from the name of the blog, I am not a flexible person. The cool thing is that everybody and their mom likes to talk about yoga being for everybody, not just for super-bendy people who post awesome photos of their impeccably-dressed, death-defying poses on Instagram. So I'm totally in with the cool self-acceptance crowd! When I started doing yoga several years ago, I liked the idea of a non-competitive activity that I could do that would keep me calm and in shape. Plus, I could do it no matter what the weather was like. Yoga made me feel awesome in my own skin, and I continued on my merry way doing YouTube videos and flows I found on fitness websites.

And then I got pregnant.

It was all fun and games until my belly literally started getting in my way. It's bad enough that I'm constantly bumping it against tables, chairs, and other random "I forgot to account for that" obstacles. It's in my way in yoga too. In Child's Pose, it presses into the floor; same in Pigeon. When I'm trying to take a forward fold, I have to adopt a fairly wide straddle just to keep my stomach from squishing against my legs (which the baby has informed me does not feel good and he doesn't appreciate it).

Of course, having something like 19 pounds sitting directly on my front does lovely things to my balance too. I used to at least be good at balancing: now, I have days where I legitimately feel much more comfortable with my toes on the ground in Tree Pose:

(That's my backyard, by the way: I love it back there!)

Tell me about you: are you a devoted yogi who knows Sanskrit and goes on cool yoga retreats? Do you try to fit in a couple Sun Salutations next to your bed before your morning coffee? Or are you scratching your head wondering how on earth you salute the sun? (No judgement here, just wanting to know who's out there :-)