Thursday, August 13, 2015

30 Day Yoga Challenge: Day 1, Day 2

Day 1

I got up when my son woke up and decided to get on my mat right away. Before my son J was born, I enjoyed doing yoga first thing in the morning. Unfortunately, what I didn't plan on was the fact that J likes lots of attention in the morning. I ambitiously thought that he'd enjoy some tummy time on a towel next to my mat. That worked for maybe one minute. After that, he fussed quite a bit. I ended up getting through the video doing a combination of pausing to snuggle him, and doing some of the poses (pigeon, seated twist, butterfly) while holding him in my arms. I put him down when he seemed asleep, and as soon as he began to fuss again, I picked him back up.

My hips are extremely tight and I have very little core strength left, but it felt so good to finally breathe and stretch (even if it was broken up and a bit unfocused).

Lessons learned: wait until the baby is down for his nap, even if that means you don't get to work out at your "usual" time.

Day 2

Well, I *tried* to learn from yesterday's lesson, but sometimes I just need to get something done and J won't nap on cue. Luckily, he was pretty happy hanging out next to me. I did some full planks in today's practice which I haven't done in months. I checked myself for abdominal splitting (diastasis recti) and while there is a small separation, it's nothing to worry about. Today's practice focused on the chest and shoulders. Since I've only walked for exercise over the past 6 weeks, my shoulders were definitely burning!

With J being a bit calmer, it gave me a chance to actually breathe. This week I've been taking on a few shifts at my job (I work from home). It's really challenging right now to schedule myself to work for a certain period of time and keep J happy for the time I'm on the clock. I'm not sure how it's all going to play out, but a few deep breaths are really helpful when my brain is spinning in circles with worry.


  1. I did Day 1 today with the kids--I had planned on just doing it with Mab while B napped, but of course he woke up right as we were getting started. They really tried to follow along, but then Downward Dog turned into somersaults and it just went downhill from there. But I figure working out with them, even if it isn't the most effective workout, is part of building a healthy pattern for them as they grow up (just like healthy eating, walking to the library, reading together, etc). J will probably grow up having find memories of Mommy taking care of her body, which will make it easy for him to do the same when he's out on his own.

    1. That's awesome! I've always told K that yoga can really be whatever you make it, so somersaults totally qualify :-) I'm really having to manage my expectations for what my practice looks like now that I have a kid, and it sounds like it'll be that way for several years ;-) Can't wait to hear how the rest of the month goes for you all!
