Tuesday, August 18, 2015

30 Day Yoga Challenge: Week 1

It's my first week back to practicing yoga consistently after having son J via C-section. What have I learned so far?

  • My abdominal muscles are still weak and fairly separated, so I'm having to be extra careful doing a lot of the asanas. I don't like seeing my guts apparently dumping out through the  stretched out connective tissue, so I'm sticking to gentler versions of everything, like planking on my knees instead of on my toes, rolling to my side and pushing myself up instead of just sitting straight up, etc. (Another reason it's a good idea to practice with a close eye on your form and on any "problem" areas.) Also, it's very important to engage my core at all times, even when I'm not doing yoga. That means if I'm picking up and carrying J, doing laundry, sitting on the couch typing, etc. Brian Aganad wrote something really smart about what that engagement feels like and how to do it, so I'll just refer you to this: http://www.theasanaacademy.com/how-to-engage-your-transverse-abdominis-a-short-guide-to-floating-effortlessly-and-landing-lightly/
  • Babies make everything much more difficult. Having a supportive partner around to hold the baby for 15 minutes is probably one of the best things ever. My husband walked J around the house on Saturday while I practiced. 
  • Flexibility! I can't always practice when I used to, depending on when J naps. Sometimes, he's happy to play with his hands for a few minutes, but then quickly decides that he's pissed and needs food, a diaper change, and some interaction right NOW. 
  • You gotta know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em. Yesterday was just an all-around bad day. I couldn't practice in the morning and spent all afternoon in the car. J was unhappy and hot and I was stressed out. I finally got J down for bed and was ready to practice, but J was just unhappy and wouldn't sleep. I paused my 15 minute video twice in the first 6 minutes. The second time I went in, J calmed down once I picked him up......and then it happened. Remember my point about a supportive helpful partner? Well, it was really nice to be able to call my husband to help me out after J vomited a copious amount of curdled milk all over himself, me, and a surprisingly large puddle on the floor. After I got a shower, my husband got J and the floor cleaned up, and I got J re-fed and back down to sleep, I just didn't feel like practicing any more. My husband and I had beer, watched one of our favorite programs, and I finished the video (and did the next one in the series) today. 
  • And finally, even tough moments can make interesting memories. After everything was cleaned up last night, I asked him why he just stood there and laughed for a while before helping. He told me, "This was one of those moments I just want to remember way down the road. My wife and my baby, just dripping with vomit, with a big puddle under the chair." I guess it's all about perspective!
What do you do when life tries to derail your goals, fitness or otherwise? How are you doing on the 30 Day Yoga Challenge? If you want to jump in, check out DoYouYoga's Youtube Channel for all the videos.

1 comment:

  1. First, I pout and scowl and whine. Then I have a beer, clean the kitchen so I don't feel like a complete and total failure, and reevaluate from a slightly better mood :-) Also realizing that time spent wrestling children down for naps or supervising while they play in the hose isn't actually time *wasted*.
